Soul Projects VP Forever
Renovating a local school in Bali to improve educational opportunities

An Initiative by VP Forever and the Balinese Community
We are looking for building materials, contributors, and monetary donations to continue our project at the local school to improve the students´ learning conditions.

VP Forever aims to support local communities in the medium to long term by focusing on the community as a whole.
The school in Lothunduh has been struggling to receive funding from the local government, forcing many village children to seek education elsewhere. Together with the community, efforts are being made to renovate the school so children can continue their studies.
Currently, the classrooms are in poor condition, with leaky roofs, old or broken furniture, and a lack of basic teaching materials. During the rainy season, these issues make it difficult for children to learn in a dry environment.
Partnerships with various organizations, such as EFT, have led to a commitment from the government to fund a new roof by next year.
Currently, with Ecofieldtrips and their school trips, we have been renovating specific projects:
paving part of the outdoor area so kids can play in the rain;
painting the library outside;
building a community garden;
gradually transforming the school into a fun and safe place for students.

Future steps in the Project:

VP Forever is working closely with local businesses and individuals to secure funding and materials. tWe are still looking for:
Funding for first aid supplies and a bed for a sick room, which needs to be built from scratch
Expanding the recycling program, including bins, workshops, and an exchange program;
Constructing a wall around the school for safety and to prevent theft;
Repairing or replacing windows and frames;
Redoing interior sealing after the new roof is installed;
Seeking funding for new tables, chairs, blackboards, shelving, books, and other school materials;
Requesting donations for second-hand computers;
finishing the paving area outside;
playground equipment for the students;
creating a shaded area outside to play and eat their lunch

This is an ongoing project, and we are looking for any donations such as materials, second-hand materials, contributors in the field, and monetary contributions. All the renovations are done by the local people from Lothunduh to support the local community.

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€ 0 raised from our € 3000 target.
40 Days left


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